Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The Bean Museum

Today I went to the Bean Museum at BYU. No, this is not a museum of beans. It's actually named after some guy whose last name happens to be Bean. Anyway, the museum is full of animals. Ones that used to be alive but are now stuffed, or as I put it, taxidermed. I was there in order to check it out and decide if I should take my class there for a field trip. My answer is a definite yes. That place is cool. There were animals there I had never seen before or even heard of... and they do shows where you can see the real live animals too. I am excited to take my kids there. And it ties in great with the state core, we have to cover Utah animals and they have an entire floor devoted just to Utah animals.

On the politics issue. Well, I happen to work for a government entity (ie a public school, yes, charter school are public schools.) I was talking today with the Special Ed teacher about legislation and such. I made mention that it would be nice to have a former educator in a political office, because no one honestly knows what education is like until they have been there. I think my views on politics have been limited up to this point because I haven't been passionate about any of the issues. Now I have an issue I care about and know about and so I will be a much more informed voter from now on. Anyway, I, as Mindy put it, am non-confrontational. I don't plan on spouting off my political ideals or opinions, but don't worry... I have them.



Eric said...

Quite a few educators do go on to work in government. Part of the challenge of good government in any area though is having enough information about the issue at hand. Even though a person may have been an expert in the past, it's a challenge to stay current on everything. That's why they have brilliant and hardworking analysts and researchers, like Trina and Adam.

Eric said...

Oh, and the Bean Museum is cool. Laurel drew animals there a few times for a class. I should find some of those drawings and post them (if she still has them).