Thursday, January 12, 2006

2 years

Today is the 2-year anniversary of when Adam and I got engaged. Awwwwww ... We didn't tell anyone for a week because we both needed time for it to absorb into our heads, and because I went on a work trip for 4 days at that same time. It's a little odd to think that we're now into the plural on "yearS" of being a couple - it still feels so new.

I'm looking forward to the 3-day weekend. Saturday will pretty much be a work day - chores and errands, and I'm going to make a good sized dent in my studying. For FHE on Monday, we're going to be tourists. If the weather is nice, I want to go to Fort McHenry up in Baltimore. If it's icky, we'll go to the American History museum. If Adam ends up having to work (small chance, but still a chance), I'll stay home and do a marathon study day.

12 days into the new year, and we're going strong on our new reading of the Book of Mormon (that actually started around Christmas). We're on 2nd Nephi 9. We need to make sure we don't slip up on it, and to beef up our personal study. I'm still in the D&C (after 2 years of VERY sporadic reading - shame on me), and Adam just started the Book of Mormon at the beginning. I want to finish the D&C and then do the Old Testament with the Gospel Doctrine study guide, since I don't go to Gospel Doctrine. AND ... I should read the Relief Society lessons since I don't go to that either. (My calling is now in Primary, remember?) Boy, I have a lot of reading to do on Sundays!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm reading the old testament with the Gospel Doctrine study guides too. (Not the entire Old Testament, just the stuff we're studying.) But I do get to attend the class! I'm just trying to get more out of it, instead of my usual Sunday School activities, reading elsewhere in the scriptures or reading the hymnbook or staring mindlessly into space.