Monday, January 30, 2006


Yesterday, at church, I was thinking about what I should post about families. Your original post had this in it. "Adam commented recently that he wished there was an instruction book for parenting. My response was that we do have one - it's called the Ensign and the scriptures." Those are both excellent sources for answers. I'd like to add another one: This is an excellent source for some of the basics. I know it's written for teenagers but you have to start teaching these things long before the teenage years. Each topic in the booklet can be a mini lesson.

It's also important that we, as adults, exemplify the standards we want our children to have. If you expect them to show gratitude or to repent or any of the other standards show them how. If you don't want them to use inappropriate language, be careful what you say. If you don't want them to watch R-rated movies don't have them around and don't watch them yourself. Kids are great imitators and they'll pick up our worst habits more often than our best ones.

So that's the advice from dear old Mom for the first Palmer Clan Blog FHE.

1 comment:

Emily said...

For our Relief Society/Priesthood lesson, the bishopric talked about the Strength of Youth pamplet. So, it's not just for the youth.