Monday, January 16, 2006

Wilford Woodruff Recording

If you had Lesson 2 in the Wilford Woodruff manual yesterday, you may have noticed a reference to an audio recording made by President Woodruff in 1897. I looked it up on the internet and found a link to it (along with the text, which is helpful in listening to it) at the BYU library.

For me, this is very interesting for a few reasons. Wilford Woodruff was a witness to many of the pivotal events of the restoration. He knew Joseph Smith personally.

Another reason this is interesting is the way he talks. His accent is something very different from the contemporary actors who portray him in church movies. It's just really cool to hear his voice, even if the recording instruments of the time weren't exactly high fidelity.

But enough of me. Enjoy the clip!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's cool! I was mildly curious about that recording, but not enough to go hunting for it. Thanks for finding that and sharing it with us.

And yes, I have another holiday for you all today. Everyone knows it's MLK Day, and some may know about Religious Freedom Day (proclaimed in 2002 by President Bush). But fortunately for us, it is also Prohibition Remembrance Day! Remember when we weren't allowed to drink? I think I was 21 when that changed. ;) For those who don't find that amusing, never fear! Today is also "Appreciate a Dragon Day". Boy, I sure am glad there are dragons around, aren't you? Where would we be without them? Oh, and today also starts us off on "No Name-Calling Week." So I'll kindly forego all the nasty things I was about to say. You're welcome.