Monday, January 30, 2006

some more reunion comments/questions

I'll get to the Blog FHE stuff in another post later today, and no Jared, I did not think you were dissing the idea of having the parenting articles posted. That kind of advice/story post - I'm going to compile those in a Word doc and print it out at the end of the year for inclusion in my binder with all the articles. I'm looking forward to hearing from everyone else on this as well. TODAY. Because TODAY is the Palmer Clan Blog FHE for January!

Anyway - reunion stuff:

1 - Sounds like Tuesday will be Movie Day. Cool.

2 - When I mentioned the temple, I was thinking another temple day with everyone where we live like we did last March. (Which I think we should do again this spring or fall, separate from the reunion.) Then Mom said we should all go to the temple together at the reunion, and I felt dumb for totally missing that. YES! Absolutely - we should go to the temple on Wed. of the reunion. Question - if Emily and Clarissa are doing baptisms, so that ALL of us are in the temple together (which would be great!!), where are the 4 grandbabies? Summer would still be little enough that I would be more comfortable with someone taking care of her AT the temple, than leaving her at someone's house. (And we could do a family portrait on the temple grounds, which would also be cool.)

3 - Jared mentioned a video scavenger hunt day in the comments on one of the other posts ... what video scavenger hunt? This is news to me.

4 - And that brings me to my next question - how structured are we going to map out the activities of the reunion? Everyone is expected to participate in the movie and temple and whenever we do the big family portrait (which has not happened since 2000 so it's about time), but what about everything else? What exactly IS the "everything else"? Since I obviously don't know what Summer's schedule will be yet, I hesitate to commit to much more than we've already got lined up. But I'm happy to hear the ideas and suggestions and stuff.


Michelle said...

A videa scavenger hunt is where you go and video tape things on the list like-a squirrel climbing a tree or a fire truck, ect. Other options are just recording sounds on a tape player or just an old fashioned hunt. I'm not saying we have to do this or not doing this. I just know what it is. I'm very flexible on what is done during the reunion. I just want to come and enjoy. I am really looking forward to seeing everyone. It has been a while.

Frank and Evelyn said...

If those who can't go through a session choose to do baptisms we'll get another sitter for the little ones. We'll make sure they're in good hands.

As for other structured activities I don't really think we'll need much. I think the scavenger hunt idea was given as an option to the movie when everything was getting a bit stressful. But if people still want to do that it's fine. I agree that the such activities should be optional, but do you girls want to have our time out for just us? We could go out for breakfast or lunch or maybe just a snack or a walk. We haven't done that in a while either.

Mindy Sebastian said...

Aside from making time for the everyone pictures, I'd really love to do a new round of the sister pictures - since we haven't had one in three years. I'm sure we'll be taking tons of pictures, but that was something I wanted to make sure that we do.