Tuesday, January 17, 2006

A Question for a New Year

If I may be so bold to ask, would y'all mind explaining why politics is a taboo discussion here? While I understand and respect that the rest of the country has very little need to be experts on any particular area, I'm rather concerned about the apathy towards that entire subject. Any takers?


Anonymous said...

I can offer a guess. I think we have a tendency to shy away from controversial topics, or anything else that might elicit strong reactions. We (everyone, not just this family) have always been taught to avoid such topics at work or in social settings. Personally, I think that this might be a good place to discuss "hot topics", because we are family and love and care about each other. Of course, I found years ago that my political opinions differed from the ultra-right-wing-ism I was taught to believe in, and I've kept my mouth shut about it. I quit the Republican party less than a year after I joined it, and felt I couldn't talk about it. I don't think that's right. I still tend to stay pretty tight-lipped about my personal political views, but I don't think anyone should feel like they can't talk about their opinions. I've said before that I enjoy "listening in" on these lively discussions.

Mindy Sebastian said...

I think my main reason for shying away from such things is because I hate knowing how things are going in the political world, and not being able to do anything about them. I know that if enough people are unhappy, then that's when things change, but it's such a different world for me that I'd rather not spend the energy on it. I would much rather be blissfully unaware than annoyed. And I'm not confrontational.

Eric said...


Politics is not taboo on this website. If it was, the owner of it would simply delete any offending posts.

Learn to deal with the consequences of free speech, one of which is that people may not like what you have to say.


Two questions and a comment:

1. Who taught you to believe in ultra-right-wingism?

2. What is ultra-right-wingism?

3. I agree with the gist of your post as far as why politics is a taboo (as clarified above).