Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Happy Pooh Day

Happy Pooh Day!

I have a question too. Does my holiday cheer annoy you all to no end? I don't want to pester people, I just think this is a fun, harmless hobby. And it can help keep me in a good mood when things go wrong, like when my legs still hurt. If I'm annoying anyone, let me know. I may not stop, but at least you won't be bottling it in anymore.

Also, I've decided to limit myself to one observance per day. There are often several to choose from, but if I try to honor all of them I'll just start annoying myself. For January 18th, we shall celebrate Pooh Day!


Frank and Evelyn said...

I think your "holidays" are just plain fun, and a bit wierd at times, but after all this is Insanity Inc.

Eric said...

Thanks for not bottling that in Mom.