Monday, January 23, 2006

does water have a taste?

The stuff I'm drinking from our break room "filter" sure has a taste, and it's not a good one. "Metallic" and "burnt" are descriptions that come to mind.

The good news of the weekend is that Rachel Marie Scott has arrived in the world! Sarah Scott (the blond Sarah from California in my wedding party, and her little girl Alice was the flower girl with Brooke) had her 2nd daughter Saturday morning. Yay! She was 8 lb. 3 oz. and 20 inches long, and came without a hitch. Sarah didn't give me much optimism for the last month of pregnancy - she had perpetual back and hip pain to the point that she couldn't sleep. I'm not to the point that I can't sleep yet, but my current back/hip pain already wakes me up at night sometimes and I'm very very stiff when I move. The last couple of days have been worse than usual. My next doctor appointment is a week from today, and I intend to ask the doctor if there's anything I can do about it. I really don't want to be dealing with this for the next 3 1/2 months.


Anonymous said...

I'd check the filter if I were you.

Michelle said...

It's not too terrible. I myself did have some back pain and trouble sleeping third trimester, but it was managable. It also found it was the time I started getting really excited about the baby.