Wednesday, January 18, 2006

that's more like it

I was wondering when Mom would finally get around to posting ... And considering the number of posts that have popped up since yesterday, I was actually thinking I'd lost an entire day on the blog. (This is all part of my Master Plan to get people to post again already. Mwa ha ha!!)

But to respond seriously ... yes, Eric, Adam and I have talked about me starting a political blog. Looks kinda like it would just be me and you and Adam anyway, since Jared just observes and Mindy doesn't care and no one else even said anything. (I'm also curious as to what Jared thinks "ultra right wing" is, and I'd be willing to bet that the working definition in DC has changed in the last few years. So - Jared - spill!) Thing is, I just haven't had time to start it. I have a whole list of thoughts and theories that I'd like to pontificate upon but that's as far as it's gotten so far.

Besides, remember my "ideal" - that YOU (that's universal) come to ME with the questions and I answer them, not just me rambling about the latest Congressional scandal. There are enough blogs in this world that already do that. And then there's the deal that really, I don't have this burning desire to suddenly starting clogging the family blog with political conversations ALL the time. Just when something pops up that's of huge impact, or that I think is interesting (like attending the Supreme Court hearing). We have a few posts and then move on to something else, just like with any other conversation. Ya know? So I don't entirely agree with Mom and Eric's urgency that I rush off and start another blog solely for politics - sometimes I just want to come here, say my piece, hear what others have to say about it, and move on.

Moving on ... Mom, I'll have to think about motivating the 14/15 year olds on Personal Progress, because really - I've never worked with that age group. When I was in Salem, we had a whole bunch of Beehives who were enthused because they were new, and we had some Laurels who just wanted to get it done and out of the way before they graduated from high school. There were NO Mia-maids in the ward. So nothing is coming to mind off the top of my head.

And on top of EVERYTHING else that I'm doing - working full time, working a couple of hours every night (and more on the weekend) on my medical transcription studying, getting ready for the baby, keeping Adam organized, etc ... I've been summoned for jury duty. I have no problem with jury duty - civic responsibility and all. But good heck - the TIMING sure sucks!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jury duty? Well, you know how it is. Big Brother is watching. They wouldn't bother if you didn't have a million things going on.