Tuesday, January 17, 2006

I'll take

You know, I find it somewhat ironic that there are currently five posts under the post entitled "why I'm not a fan of the 'comments' option."

Anyway, why is politics a subject to be avoided? In the past, when Trina would mention something about it, the whole blog for the next week was devoted to a debate which resulted in tempers flaring. Since then, I guess we've just considered it too hot to handle.

On the other hand, Trina lives in D.C., and her daily activities revolve around these issues. Most Americans are blissfully ignorant of politics, and they would not care to know more.

Anyway, I'm doing well. Philosophy and history reading can be very time-consuming. I'm considering writing a different novel, this one involving a couple of side-characters I had in the Elfmarked trilogy and their unusual relationship. I mean, how could a captain of the guard and a leader of a group devoted to smuggling runaways out of the city become friends? Well, that's going to be a very long story. And I might change my project again in the near future, especially with this latest assignment. We have to write down plot outlines on a little card, and we have to come up with them by researching a topic in the library, getting sidetracked onto a different topic, and wandering around Buena Vista, searching for inspiration. And one from interviewing someone. And I have a week to do this.

There was a forum/devotional today. It was the first time they had one this year. It was about Joseph Smith and the impact he made. It was big. But perhaps the most important doctrines include the blending freedom and religion, the relationship between God and man, and men with each other, and personal revelation.

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