Sunday, January 29, 2006

Last Monday of the Month

Well, since tomorrow is the last Monday of the month, here is my bit of parenting advice for all of you. Everything you think you "know" about raising children will suddenly not work at any given time. And if you try something and it does work, that doesn't mean it will work on a different child, or even on the same child. For all the good advice and good help there is out there, it all still boils down into a long process of trial and error.

Now please don't take this as my shooting down Trina's idea for this whole FHE thing. That's not my intention. Just the opposite, in fact. I'm just saying that all the help and advice you hear is not the final answer, no matter who says it. It's just something else to try. And the more tricks you have to try, the better. If something works for you, great. If it doesn't, don't throw it out. Try it next year or on the next child.

I think the main thing I'm trying to warn against is saying, "This is THE WAY to put kids to sleep" or "This is THE WAY to get kids to eat vegetables." Just say, "This worked for me," and let everyone else try it or not for themselves.

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