Thursday, January 12, 2006

interesting who knows who...

You mentioned that Barr knew went on the same mission as someone Scott. Well I have a weird story about someone knowing someone or something like that. Well last night the missionaries came over and shared a DVD with us and chatted for a bit, and then I drove them home. Elder Anderson mentioned living in dorms when he went to school. I asked where he went and he said SUU. His companion also went there, but the year before. Well for New Years, Amanda and I want to Otis, Oregon, and spent a few nights at Andy Kartchner's grandparents with a group of old church/HS friends. Andy had his girlfriend there who went to the same mission Andy did and she is now going to SUU. So I asked the missionaries if they knew a Kyra Cox. Elder Shamo did know her, and not only that, but sang at her farewell. Then he told me that he was in Hope Choir at SUU (whatever that it) and that the next year his current companion was in it and that the first elder went and watched the latter. I hope that made sense.



Mindy Sebastian said...

Cox? Annie Parker is dating a boy named Bryce Cox. Maybe they are related.

Eric said...

What's SUU? Is that Southern Utah in Cedar City?

If so, its president is Steven Bennion who was president of Ricks College when I went there (and Laurel... and Tawnia). WOW!

Frank and Evelyn said...

It made sense to me. I followed it very well. In the church you don't say it's a small world but it's a small ward.

Skippy said...

Could be a cousin, Mindy, because I think she only had one brother who was 5 years younger than her.

Yes, Eric, it is Southern Utah. WOW!

Mom, there are lots of wards in this world, but only one world in it. Did the prophet say to say that, or can I choose not to?