Thursday, January 19, 2006

Trivia question

Rather than tell you all straight up what I'll be celebrating on January 20, here's a little trivia to see if anyone can figure it out. Your first clue is: They Might Be Giants, 1988. Use the comments to make your guesses on this one, and I'll provide more clues there throughout the day as necessary (and as time permits).


Eric said...

Well kids, in 1988 TMBG released an album titled "Lincoln". Some consider it their best album ever. It opens with the classic "Ana Ng". But I think the title may be the clue. Maybe...

Anonymous said...

Not the album, but a song.

Next clue: Stars.

Anonymous said...

No takers? All right, here's you're third clue.


Anonymous said...

I'm disappointed. I was hoping I would get some more responses during the day. Has anyone else noticed that everyone seems to do most of their posting in the evening? Well, I've got one last clue to the festivity for today.

I am friendly and humanitarian, honest and loyal, original and inventive, independent and intellectual.

Frank and Evelyn said...

I saw this last night and since I know nothing about TMBG I didn't try to answer. I just got home from work and looked at all the additional clues and I'm still in the dark. It must be "Clueless Day"

Mindy Sebastian said...

Is it that it's the first day of Aquarius?

Anonymous said...

Hooray Mindy! You got it! It's Aquarius!

The first clue actually referred to the TMBG song "Cage and Aquarium", which is a parody on "Age of Aquarius". Wassermann is the German name for the Aquarius zodiac sign. It directly translates as "Water Man".

treen said...

Um. Okay. How did Mindy get that? "Wasserman" meant zero to me. TMBG are kind of music stars, so I wasn't thinking Zodiak. And the only TMBG album I could think of is Flood, and I could only remember "Build a little birdhouse in your soul."

Try not to be so randomly obscure next time, will ya?

Skippy said...

...and yet Mindy still got it, Trina. Pretty amazing if you ask me.

Anonymous said...

Do you want to share how you figured it out, Mindy?

Next time, I'll try to be a little less randomly obscure. But only a little.