Thursday, January 12, 2006

I'm changing my project

Okay, I had thought about rewriting "The One-Winged Dragon" for my novel writing class, but now I'm thinking about doing a different story.

Right now, I'm calling it "The Knights of Terror" but that could change . . . maybe I'll call it "Duel Focus." It's about a knight and sorcerer named Bryan. At this time, raiders are attacking the settlements in the highlands so much that the two usually warring kingdoms are uniting to go against them. The raiders also have a sorcerer in their midst -- Roger -- and he and Bryan are both determined to beat each other.

At the same time, the highlanders have the support of two sorceresses, Jolene and Rachelle. Rachelle seems to know a lot about the raiding Knights, and she thinks that Bryan can beat Roger and wants him to defeat him. But at the same time, she doesn't want Roger getting hurt; she just wants to get him away from those Knights. It turns out that Roger is her twin brother. And twins can read each other's thoughts, feelings, and memories, so this makes things very complicated.

Brother Card spent a lot of time talking about motive today, after he spent an hour talking about the ins and outs of the publishing industry. It was a good class.

So, you can expect this to show up on the webpage as story number seventeen.

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