Friday, January 06, 2006

What Trina learned in 2005

- I learned that my personal political beliefs, which I call "true conservative" because I have no other way to phrase it, do not align with any political party in this country. No, this is not something I learned prior to this year - I was infinitely more occupied with other things in 2004. 2005 was the eye opener. In a big, big, big way.

- I learned that people outside of DC, even those heavily involved in their local politics (I'm particularly thinking of a friend at the Oregon legislature here), don't have a CLUE about the federal government and obliviously support the party of their choice because the other party is "bad." I also learned that those same people get mad when I disturb their political slumber by trying to fill them in on the rest of the details, and I learned that this frustrates me immensely.

- I learned that when life gets hard, going to the temple a lot will help you deal with it.

- I learned to call people more often instead of relying on e-mail and the blogs for all of the communication.

- I learned that becoming a Domestic Goddess Housewife is going to be a lot harder and take a lot longer than originally anticipated.

- I learned that you can eat pickles with darn near anything.

After all the changes in 2003 and 2004, 2005 was EASY. Nothing really happened. Adam went to class and to his internship. I went to work. That's it. Occasionally we shook out of our routine for a few days (Florida and Seattle trips) but those were breaks in which we relaxed and didn't have anything "new" besides the food we were eating. Lots of things happened AROUND us, like all the Supreme Court stuff, but it didn't happen TO us. Sure, being pregnant has made Adam and me think a lot more in depth about many things, but the only thing that has actually changed so far is what clothes I can wear.

It's 2006, with the early kick off of Adam finishing his undergrad on Dec. 19, that's going to be the Year of the Change. Adam graduating, working at the Senate, and starting law school. Summer. Having extra family members in our home for a few months (even though it's a happy thing, it's still going to be different). New apartment and new car. My current job has taken a major shift in the last couple of weeks to be more focused, and I also have the training course and job switch later this year. I definitely need to keep up on the journal writing.

1 comment:

Frank and Evelyn said...

Interesting comments Trina. It sounds like you learned a lot, even if it wasn't a year with lots of changes.

I've posted my answer on my questions page.

Love ya,