Wednesday, January 04, 2006

a couple of comments for Eric

Pictures and webpage updates: No sympathy for Eric from this corner! YOU are the one with the new baby, who we all sent lovely gifts to and we'd like to see pictures of Stevie with his gifts from us, and other Christmas and blessing pictures. At least I would. I also know full well that starting in May, everyone will be pestering ME for new pictures of Summer on at least a weekly basis and leave you alone ... so double that "no sympathy" thing from me. And cough up the pictures. (And post on this blog when they're up, please, so I don't have to keep clicking on 5 different links to see if the pictures are there.)

The movie: I'M the assistant script writer, not Eric. We're already on multiple drafts and I've barely seen the darn thing. And any minimal input I've given thus far certainly isn't in it. I didn't even know there was a 3rd draft until I stumbled across it on the movie section. I haven't read it yet because I can never find it unless I go through all the dancing letters again (S is for SCRIPT, Jared. At least until we're done making this thing.), and now Eric is taking it upon himself to write version 4. And wasn't Jared asking for the final casting call the other day, or something like that, so he could write some final version of music? Hello? Are we THAT far along already? The movie isn't until JULY, people. And it's January 4th. 6 or 7 months to go.

So SLOW DOWN. The rush to have everything ready to go NOW is turning this into Eric and Jared's movie, not a family movie. I realize you're excited, and I'm preoccupied with other things. But I'd like to take a crack at the script with Emily before I miss out entirely on the whole thing. To reach some middle ground - to slow Eric and Jared down, and speed everyone else up - could our producers please come up with a production schedule with deadlines of when things should be done in the next few months. (S is for SCHEDULE - that could go on the S page too.)

For the schedule, Emily and I will go over the script on email and IM in the next few weeks, and could do the FINAL version when she's here for spring break (March 5-12). Eric, email both of us your suggestions or participate in an IM with us, but please don't do it FOR us this far in advance. If we miss the deadline and other people need a finished product to do their jobs, then you can have it. Thank you.

P.S. Emily, looks like we'd better get crackin'. When do you want to get on IM?


Emily said...

We would have to do it on some Saturday, maybe a Sunday afternoon.

Emily said...

And if you want to know when you can expect the next draft from me, I would say you can look for that in March, maybe April.

Anonymous said...


Everything related to putting the movie together will be under the letter H. Scripts, and schedules, and storyboeards, and music, and everything, under H. For How it all Happened. H.