Thursday, September 02, 2004


Okay, Mom, what's the next question? You've written tons on your past vacations now (and I hope all this is going into your hard-copy book with the pictures, so we don't have to depend on the blog keeping all this info for us ...). What's the next question for your personal history project?

Eric, don't be disappointed that Clarissa is posting in the sisters blog more regularly than this one. First of all, she was shamed into it. We nagged and threatened her. And also, if you do read a little closer (which you're certainly welcome to do, otherwise we wouldn't have told anyone about it), you will see that the conversation there is rather narrow in scope. It started out as a fitness goals thing, which we refer to as the BBC Meltdown. (Long story.) And from there, it branched out into goals in general - setting them, and reporting back to make ourselves accountable. Not that anyone else should not be setting goals, but well, um, yeah - with all the "you're still a Palmer" hysteria after my wedding, this was a positive response to that. Kudos to Mindy for starting it.

Adam started class yesterday. We have a regular phone now, and I emailed everyone the number. Same ol' at work and church. We STILL have not made it to Fort McHenry. This weekend, maybe?

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