Tuesday, September 21, 2004

The last day of summer

Well, sad to say that today is the last day of summer. I just looked at my calendar and it says that Autumn begins tomorrow. Also, for our Jewish readers, Yom Kippur is Saturday. It was a great summer. Trina and Adam got married, Nathan and Amanda got married, Laurel and I celebrated our 7th anniversary and my 30th birthday. Laurel and I went to five baseball games, went to the beach a few times with our friends, and went swimming a lot.

But I am excited for Autumn. Maybe it's because it doesn't really get all that cold here. This morning all the windows were open and the wind was blowing pretty hard. It was just dawn. The sun wasn't up but it was light out. Laurel and I both woke up and got a drink of water and closed all the windows. I could see the trees swaying in the wind and could feel the breeze. It wasn't quite warm and wasn't quite cool. Room temperature. Perfect.

It's a beautiful day today. The last day of summer.

About pets, we have two birds, as many of you know. One bird is Petey and one bird is Polly. Polly has just started laying eggs, and Laurel has been very concerned with making sure she has a nest and is taking care of her eggs. I'll leave it to her to tell you more about her pets. Laurel is a real animal lover and I am... well, I am my father's son.

Take care and have a beautiful day.


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