Tuesday, September 21, 2004

all the same pets

Well, see there Emily, you put a new angle on the question. We all had the same pets (if we were home at the time), so everyone can say what they remember about them. I remember that you younger kids got the fish right around the same time I left on my mission, and in my first area, I got a cassette tape of everyone talking. Nathan gave a fine impression of sorrowful wailing as you told me that the fish had gone to the great toilet bowl in the sky. Lucky came along right before I came home from my mission, and we had her all that next summer. The thing I remember most about her is that Dad meant for her to be an outside cat. She wanted to be an inside cat, so she'd get in every chance she got (and Mom was sometimes rather slow in putting her back out). I would always find her sleeping in the laundry bins that used to be above the washer and dryer, usually in the load that had Mom's nice silky garments.

Eric, please get Laurel to post about your pets. I would so love to hear The Adventures of Petey and Polly!

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