Thursday, September 16, 2004

Mom's Turn

Welcome aboard Amanda. It's great to learn new things about you. You'll have to show me the rocking chair the next time you invite us over.

After reading Trina's email, I called Nancy, (Adam's mom) to find out how things are going. They now have water but probably won't have power for two to three weeks. She sounded upbeat. Everyone is safe and that's the most important thing. They are under a 24 hour curfew right now, which means everyone needs to just stay home so the emergency crews can clean things up.

Here is my answer to the latest question:
I wasn't very popular and I didn't date much in high school but I did have some fun times. During my teen years we lived in several different places. When I was 13 we moved from Bellingham Washington to Phoenix, Arizona, but because our truck broke down I started the 8th grade in Idaho and then went to Arizona and in the spring we moved back to Washington where I finished the school year at Lynwood Jr. High.
I also attended the 9th grade there. I remember how much fun seminary was. I especially enjoyed the annual seminary cruise that spring. We went on a boat in Puget Sound and visited a couple of the islands. It was interesting going through the locks to get into the sound and seeing the old fort on one of the islands. I really loved being on the boat. Maybe that’s why I want to go on a cruise, someday.
The following summer we moved to Monroe, Washington. There I went to high school, at last. I got a ride every morning from the seminary teacher. It was nice living in a small town where I could walk to the theater, library or store. I remember going to see Pollyana, and I can’t remember any of the other movies.
The next summer we moved once more, this time to the big city of Everett. I enjoyed hanging out with the girls across the street and going roller-skating with them on Saturday nights. Later we moved to another house where I could walk to high school. I was in the drama club and took a drama class. My junior year I worked backstage during “Romanoff and Juliette”. Our drama club put on a play at Christmas and that was the only one I was in. My senior year I worked in the library after school so I couldn’t be in any plays or other after school activities, but I did go to one football game, Homecoming, which we lost miserably and it poured. I enjoyed going to the basketball games. That was a sport that made sense.

I was going to post the next question I drew "Tell about your early romances." But with all the newlyweds maybe we should hold off on that touchy topic. I'll give you the very first one I drew, which is the only one I didn't post. "If you could be a tree, what kind of a tree would you be, and why?"

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