Thursday, September 30, 2004

Now THIS is lobbying

The big huge "implement the 9/11 Commission recommendations" debate is on the Senate floor this week. Cheye and a couple of other NCSL head lobbying people are on Capitol Hill (I expect in the Senate office buildings) literally going from one office to another opposing a couple of specific amendments. I'm plugged into my headphones tracking the debate on the floor via C-SPAN (which shows a little TV monitor on my computer screen), and talking to Cheye on his cell literally every 30 minutes. At one point, he called and said he'd just come out of an office that is in favor of the amendment, so I had to call our people in that state immediately to get them to call the Senator to oppose it, and then fax them our talking points. It's taken me 10 minutes just to type this paragraph because I had to stop and send a couple of emails here and there about this thing. Lobbying, usually, is not this fast-paced and multi-faceted all at the same time. It's interesting! The speeches are still going (and will all week), but right now, not about something we're so concerned with, so I can take a minute.

My thought about the homepage is pretty basic - our Insanity Inc. logo that we had on all those shirts with the 2 palm trees and 8 rays on the sun, a current picture of everyone, and a list of links sorted by our order in the siblings with family ones like the blog at the top. Nothing complicated. Just something that looks nice and has the links organized so they're easy to figure out.

I'll post about the traditions later - it's been something I've been thinking about since last spring ... remembering what we did as kids, and what I want to either start or continue. I haven't settled on anything solid yet, beyond "decorate for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving" (that's definitely happening - with lots of lights), so I'll get back to you on this one.

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