Tuesday, September 21, 2004

here kitty kitty

Besides all the other kittens we adopted (for very brief amounts of time), and the rodents we always tried to say, Lucky was always our first real pet. She liked to wag her tail, climb up the door, and spend as much time in the house as she could manage. There was one time when we couldn't find her .. I was reading in my room, and had set up a little display of my stuffed animals .. when suddenly one of them moved! There was Lucky, sleeping in the middle of them all. We later got Mau Mau from the Saunders, and she had her 4 kittens .. all very cute.

As for me, I've had a couple of fish. Stormy was the first (of the SSS group), and was named such because it was raining the day that I got her/him/it?. I got the fish because I had read enough books at the library's Summer Reading Program. I believe that is where Sunny came from too, but Spot was a little bit nicer - angel-tailed or something like that. Last summer I had another fish - which I named Little Buddy. It was originally Amber's beta .. which Nathan had .. and then they broke up .. and he still had it .. so I adopted it. Miraculously he lived, even when he jumped onto the counter when I was changing his bowl. He died though, shortly after I left for Canada.

The only other pet I really had was while I was in Russia. My family got a little french bulldog puppy .. Shayla. She was a handful, a pain to potty-train, whimpered all the time, and loved to chew on people's pant legs and slippered feet. My Russian Mom got tired of it quickly, and gave her away.

I'll try and get Jason to the computer to answer the pet question .. I know he's got several interesting stories about pets he's had in the past, including his pirhana "Angry Over-sized Goldfish."

We've had the first snow of the season yesterday! Nothing stuck, and it only snowed for about 15 minutes, but it was really snow. And then this morning there was frost on the ground. Once the sun comes out though, the weather is beautiful.

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