Saturday, September 04, 2004

Next Question

Before I go on to the next question I wanted to answer some of your questions about heirlooms. First of all, I don't know what I have that you kids would consider as heirlooms and want to keep forever. I had no idea that anyone would want my old jewelry box. I've kept if for sentimental reasons. I got it from Frank for our first anniversary along with a watch. I told him those were two things I'd always wanted and never had. As for the old jewelry in it - most of it is broken but I'm sure it could be fixed. I appreciate your telling us what things you want to have so we can make certain not to get rid of them. Many of the treasures I have were given to me by my children so I guess they should go back to the ones who gave them.

Now for today's question:

Where were you and what were you doing the day President Kennedy was shot and the day the first man landed on the moon? I think this question should be modified to add where were you when the Berlin Wall came down and on 9-11? Especially since you kids weren't born during the first two events.

The day President Kennedy was shot I was in school. It was November 22, 1963 and I was in the 8th grade. I remember the teacher crying and having a hard time telling us what was going on. Then a TV was brought into our room and the rest of the day we watched the news. It was a very sad day for our nation,

When man first stepped onto the moon, on July 20, 1969, Frank and I were at Bob Paton’s sisters home. I don’t even remember her name. We were engaged to be married and neither of us had a TV of our own. It was Sunday evening and we’d gone there with Bob to visit and watch the news.

When I heard that the wall came down on Nov 9, 1989, I remember that I was at home in the kitchen. I was thrilled to hear the news that the people of Germany were free. I turned on the TV to watch as people tore down the wall. It was exciting to hear over the next two years as many of the former Soviet Republics declared their freedom and finally on New Years Eve 1991 the Soviet Union was dissolved.

When the terrorists attacked the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, I was asleep in bed. Clarissa woke me up with the news that the first tower had been hit. She ran in a minute later to tell about the second one. Since I had to go to work that day, I hurried and got ready and then watched the news on TV. It was a very tearful, stressful day because we couldn't really listen to the news except during our breaks and everyone wanted to know what was going on. The most upbeat thing I saw come out of that horrible day was the way everyone rallied to help and the patriotic fervor that caught hold of our nation.

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