Friday, September 10, 2004

in-laws and instruments

Well, we know that Laurel, Jason and Michelle have access to this here blog and have even posted a couple of times. Adam still can't get into it. New invitation for him, Eric? And what about Amanda?

To answer the question for him ... Adam played the trumpet for a year or two in junior high. I don't know that he wants to play any instruments at all - he seems content with playing Dad's favorite instrument: the stereo.

For any in-laws who don't know, I played the flute and piccolo for 7 years through jr. high and high school, and still have my flute and mess around with playing it every couple of years. My favorite thing EVER to play was the piccolo part in "Stars and Stripes Forever." And of course I play the piano and organ, but everyone knows that. What I WISH I could play ... you'll probably all laugh ... I wish I could play the banjo.

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