Monday, September 20, 2004


Ummm... well, since my parents never really let us have pets, the only pets I remember are the stray cats we fed (including some little wild kittens even before Lucky) and some goldfish. But these weren't MY pets.

If I were to get a pet, I don't know what I'd get.... because I like a lot of different animals. It wouldn't be any sort of reptile or rodent or bird. (I just don't think I could handle something that could fly around and poop on my head.) It would most likely be a cat or a dog... but I think rabbits are kind of cute... or hedgehogs or turtles or frogs or fish or hamsters or horses... I enjoy going to pet stores and looking at the animals. I even had someone offer me a Petsmart card (it's so you can get all the good deals) but I said I didn't need one.


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