Friday, September 24, 2004

Emily's Book

Hi Emily!

Check your email, because I wrote you a message about posting your book on the website, but not on the blog. If you want to start sending me chapters (to my allvantage email address) this weekend, that'll be great since I'll be working on Laurel's website this weekend as well as a practice site for school, so I'll be in web development mode tomorrow.

I don't think any of us really knows what it takes to get a book published because none of us have done it. I know it's like a lot of creative activities... there's a lot of people who want to do it, and it's hard to get attention. I don't know about writing, but I know in art it generally helps to have some sort of agent, a representative, to sell your work. Same thing with acting and most other creative endeavors. Beware of scams, but maybe start doing some research on literary agents, maybe those who specialize in Sci-Fi and Fantasy.

Also, I know there are magazines and compilations out there that might be a good bet for getting "discovered". Publishers are running a business and they only want to buy what they can be reasonably assured they can sell. Someone with a proven track record (published somewhere) is a better bet than someone who has never been published. Keep working on those short story contests, big and small... I think they're your best bet.

And don't give up! Keep working on your craft and writing the stuff you would love to read.

Love, Eric

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