Saturday, September 11, 2004

Favorite weapon of musical mayhem

Hey all! I had to chuckle when I remembered my favorite musical instrument. Bearing in mind, I cannot read music much less carry a tune, I must confess to having tried many instruments in the past. I tried acoustic guitar when I was 8...Didn't really move me. Drums when I was 19-20, it was great as stress relief but unless there is a troll thrash speed metal punk band looking for a spastic drummer out there...You get the picture. I attempted the Oboe when I was 23....It was difficult to play as my lips vibrated and I couldn't stop laughing, but I did try for 2 months, little success but I was a happy fellow during that time. I have an old harmonica of my dad's that I try ever now and again....Still trying.
Were I to choose a instrument to learn to play, I would be hard pressed to decide. I have dreams of playing a bamboo flute, hearing the soft haunting notes that shake my soul and the lilting pitch that brings a suspicious moisture to my eyes.

Jason Aimoto

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