Thursday, October 27, 2005

This is a title

In my defense, I did include positive comments in my email to Emily. And I have a criticism to direct towards Trina's criticism. I don't think she should wait until she gets to the east coast. If you and Adam want to jump in as assistant writers, go for it. But the rest of us are waiting on a script before we can do much of anything. She can rent movies or check them out from the library.

Michelle's suggestion was to forego the need for a script and do the whole movie as an interpretive dance. I'll send each of you a piece of music, and Laurel can design sets and costumes for us, ... what? I thought it sounded cool.

Seriously though, the best way to help is to give suggestions of what to do, not what not to do. So Trina's doing that part right. Why don't Trina and Emily email or chat back and forth for a couple of days to nail down an overall story arch, and then anyone else who wants to contribute can make suggestions. Start with the big picture -- wouldn't it be something to have a movie with an actual plot? -- and then add character details, and specific lines of dialogue or set pieces will come after that. Come on Emily, you know how to put a story together. I'm already looking forward to the second draft.

I have other things to talk about too. Brooke's pediatrician upgraded the diagnosis to asthma. She uses an inhaler twice a day, and she has to take Singulair in addition to all the other medication she's already been on.

Tuesday Michelle came to meet me at work and we both got our flu shots. They were also having Safety Day, and I won a raffle drawing. I got a new ergonomic mouse. It's vertical with the buttons on the side.

Last night was our ward Halloween party. Brooke was a fairy princess (along with about half the girls there) and Bryan was the White Rabbit. They had lots of fun. Bryan's playgroup is going to do a party tomorrow morning, and then we will have trunk-or-treat Saturday night, and we're thinking about going to the YMCA Halloween party on Monday night. Enough Halloween to last all year.

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