Thursday, October 20, 2005


Adam and I were talking this morning about all the things that we're planning on for next summer, and consequently, all the money we need to be stashing away into savings. Like the family reunion. And that reminded me of something else ...

Adam and I want to go to Canada - Vancouver Island, specifically - while we're in Washington for the reunion. Maybe just for a day via the ferry from Seattle, maybe overnight with camping gear, whatever. We haven't gotten that far in the plans yet. But we want to go. And that means Adam needs to get his passport and I need to update mine with my name change. It would be fun if others went with us, but YOU will all need to get your passports as well. (Except Mindy. I think she's the only one with a valid one.) And this is something we'd need to plan for well in advance of the trip. I don't know what the policy is about little children - if both parents have passports and you're carrying the child's birth certificate as well, that should work. Obviously, I will be checking on that since Baby ??? will be about 10 weeks old at the time.

So, anyone up for a little jaunt to Victoria next summer?

Meanwhile, I have discovered some tickets to a nice Christmas event I want to go to, and I will be purchasing them in the next couple of days. I'm not going to say what it is because I want to surprise Adam ... but remember - last year, our nice Christmas event was a performance of The Messiah at the National Cathedral. Absolutely fantastic. I hope this one is just as awesome.


Anonymous said...

I'm in our nice Christmas event this year. Our stake is hosting a huge Christmas concert with the stake choir, the stake youth choir, the stake children's choir, and the Epiphany choir from the Catholic church across the street. Since I'm in the choir, I got to see the planned outline for the concert and it's going to be really cool.

Anonymous said...

If anyone wants to come, it's December 11 in the Katy TX Stake Center.

Frank and Evelyn said...

Wish I could be there Jared but that's the day of our first 2 Messiah performances. The Canada trip sounds like a great idea, Trina. I've never been to Vancouver Island.