Friday, October 07, 2005

another post from Mindy

my, I've been busy. On Wednesday I had my first art lesson with my first graders. I was a little nervous, since I know how they can be, but it went SO well! It was a simple lesson, just gluing the little squares of paper onto the pre-printed picture, but it worked perfect for them. They were excited, and focused, and really really quiet. We won't use the same picture, but I think we'll use the scraps again, only use pattern or something, to make it a little more lesson-like, instead of "here's glue, have fun"-like. It was fun though.

After I got home, Annie came home for her break between school and work. She had two hours, and had not had a good day (didn't do so hot on a test). She knew that my week wasn't going so great either (the final divorce papers are finally coming), so she decided to take me to the beauty school, and we both got our hair done. She got several inches cut off (so cute!), and I had them fix up the length that it was already (since I just had it cut off a while ago, but not by soneone that knew really what they were doing) .. and then straightened. It turned out very nice, and I felt really good afterwords, which was a good thing, since I had to go play the opening song for instutute that evening.

Yesterday I worked both jobs, and then today I do it again, because I'm covering a shift for someone, and then I work again tomorrow. I know that most people work a full 8 hours a day, but it's been hard going from doing nothing for a year and a half, to doing sooo much. And it wouldn't be so bad if it was a solid 8 hours, but with a couple hour break in the middle of the day, it reminds you how nice sitting down is, and then you have to go back to work. Ah well. It's paying the bills at least. I still need to make cookies sometime too, for the guys that fixed my computer.. otherwise I wouldn't have been able to write this.

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