Sunday, October 09, 2005


On the way home from shopping, I was riding in the car and I said, "Why does the rain remind me so much of Christmas?" Yesterday was just one of those days, and we took advantage of it and had some fun Christmas shopping moments. It didn't help that Deseret Book and the Dollar Tree already have Christmas stuff out, so we took advantage of such sales, and started buying Christmas things early. I bought Christmas cards, because they were adorable, and so I know that I'll actually send some. But I had a small request - Mom, could you find my Holiday/Winter box in the storage room? You probably shouldn't send it all, because it's really big .. but could you at least get into it, and find me my CD's? Be sure and get the Mannheim Steamroller ones too, they're in a little different cases, because I got them from Trina last year. Since I actually have Christmas music, I want to make sure that I have it this year. We've already got stockings to put up this year, and I will buy new wrapping paper (you can pull out the stuff that's in there .. it's not in a box, but floating around somewhere in the storage room alone), but anything else you are willing to send would be wonderful! If you could do this soon, and send me the gloves and scarves and such that are in there as well, I'd really appreciate it. It's getting cold already. That's all in the same box, but please be careful when you pull them out, because there are some fragile things wrapped in them. I'm happy to be with people who really get excited about Christmas. This year is going to be lots of fun.

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