Friday, October 14, 2005


I'm home again today. It's a statewide inservice day for teachers, so all the assistants get an extra day off. That's good because I have lots of things to do. I'm going to the podiatrist in a little while and I have to get my B12 shot. I want to go visit my Young Women, so I'll see at least one of them today. Then this evening Dad and I are going to the temple.

As for "Happy thoughts for Mindy"

You went on a wonderful vacation this summer and have all those special memories.
You KNOW you'll be home for Christmas because you already bought your ticket.
You get to be with Tawnia and ride in her new car.
You'll have a shorter winter.
You can go on dates and flirt with all those cute returned missionaries.
Your Heavenly Father loves you, and so do we. (That's always been the case, but it is a happy thought.)

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