Saturday, October 08, 2005


Well, I hadn't posted in quite some time, so I figured I would now. Life is crazy, but good. Today I didn't sleep in (even though it was Saturday.) Instead I got up early and met up with some friends. We drove up to American Fork Canyon and then hiked up hill for a mile and a half. (That was pretty tough on my extremely out of shape body.) Then we got to go into these really cool caves and see lots of stalagmites, stalactites, and hilictites. (It was Timpanogas Caves for anyone that was wondering.) It cost seven dollars to go in, but I think it was well worth it. I thought it was the coolest thing! The hike up was killer, but the rest of the time was just really neat... and then I ate an apple walking back down the mountain. (Yes, I was practicing my "eating an apple while walking down a mountain" skills. It's much easier said then done, believe it or not.) It was fun to go and be social and active at the same time.

The Parker parents are in town this weekend. It's nice to have them here. They are good to all of us, especially Annie... which is wonderful. They were bringing her a new (to her) car and will fly back to OR tomorrow.

After the hike I went shopping with Amy and Mindy. We hit Robert's Craft, the Dollar Tree, and Deseret Book. I was getting the supplies to make mock rocks... which I concocted after we got home. (Now I just have to let them air dry for the next several days.) I also bought some other things for my classroom, and a few Christmas decorations... and I bought Trina and Adam's Christmas presents. (FYI this isn't the first present I've bought for Christmas... I have a bag full of stuff for the babies.)

Now I'm just doing some research for school... I am going to teach my students how to research but that means that I have to do some preliminary research for them... like finding books at the library or sites on the internet. Anyway, I did the internet part... but for some reason I can't access the public library right now... I'm guessing that's maybe because it's closed.

Anyway, I still have some other things I want to do to prepare for school on Monday. (I know I should give myself a break... but that's what Sunday's are for.) I figure that the more I figure out this year, the easier next year will be. Plus I will have a lot better idea of what to do this next summer as far as lesson planning, etc.

Well, I feel like I'm just rambling. I should go and label some of the things I bought for school... and then get some sleep.

I love you all and I really am excited for Trina and Adam (even though I WAS extremely tired when Trina told me.) And I'm excited for Emily... and that Stevie is growing (even if he is fussy.) And I'm excited that I only have one full week of school before I'll have a short week... and that everyone else is doing well (at least from what I hear.) THE END


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