Wednesday, October 19, 2005

kitten pictures

I'm doing well, staying very busy. At least I've got the next two days off from school (but not Subway). I did manage to take some time and do three new kitten pages that I updated onto my page. Go see! They're very cute. I'm hoping that Mom and Dad decide to keep one. They aren't that bad around the house, are they? Especially if you train them off the counters .. Nekoshi was trained, but then she was in a new enviornment, and we still haven't managed to get the message across. With the kittens, you've already got them litter trained, and as long as you don't give them any people food or ever let them up there (and spray them with a water bottle when they are able to jump), then they'll be a wonderful addition to the family! Or at least you could keep one of them until Christmas time, right? Anyway, so the pictures are there. I need to finish getting ready for work, so I'm not late.

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