Saturday, October 08, 2005

go Angels!

Hooray for the Angels being up 2-1 against the Yankees! Knock those suckers right on out of the playoffs! Due to the influence of my Montana days, where everyone was a Red Sox fan and HATED the Yankees, it's nice to see them eliminated as soon as possible. And even better because it's Eric's team! If the Angels get to the World Series, I just might have to watch it.

There will be no cute mommy-to-be pictures of me as there have been of Laurel and Michelle. That's not to say that there won't be any pictures at all ... I just wouldn't use "cute" to describe them. I was not so fortunate as to begin my pregnancy at a more ideal weight, and so far, this "cute" and "glow" thing have eluded me. "Fat" and "crabby" and "I barely bother with putting on decent clothing for work so forget about a nice hairstyle and makeup" are far more accurate. But thank you for your optimism, Mom.

Adam found something about Amity on one of his news websites last night, and asked if we were anywhere near there. Uhhhh ... yeah. Didn't realize you're actually IN that district this year. Or are you still at one of the Mac schools? Well, good luck and hope everyone is safe, and they catch the jerk that did that before anything happens.

1 comment:

Eric said...

We should also note that the Houston Astros are in the playoffs, against the Braves right now. I know that they lost the other day, making it 1-1, but I'm not sure if they've played game three yet. Just so's you know. I don't know if Jared or Michelle are into their new team, but now would be a good time to get on the bandwagon. They've been a good team for a few years now.