Sunday, October 16, 2005

emergency prep followup

For those of you who were not online with us, you missed a jolly good time and we missed you. Maybe next time ... Here's the wrap up (this is also a reminder for those who WERE online):

1 - Mom is going to email out some lists of suggestions for 72-hour packs. The consensus was that we should get at least something put together.

2 - If there is a situation in which a "phone tree" report is necessary to let people know you're okay, start with the oldest. If someone is not available, go to the next in line. In this case, Mom and Dad are the "oldest", then me, then Eric, etc.

3 - To put with our emergency supplies, everyone is supposed to email me ALL contact information. This includes: cell numbers, numbers for work, school, and anything else that would be applicable. Bishop's contact info and all his phone numbers, as well as what ward/stake you're in. Most regularly used email. For those of us who are married, our parents-in-law number probably wouldn't be a bad idea in case we can get only one call in - then someone could call our in-laws for us. I will compile all of this in a big master list and email it back out for you to print and put with your emergency supplies. My thought was that even though I have everyone's number programmed into my cell, what if I get in a situation where my cell goes dead - I would still have access to the numbers and use a calling card or something. (And, those of us who are married should also make sure all the other side's contact info gets on our personal lists as well.)

Tawnia/Mindy and Eric are the only ones who have emailed me their contact info so far. Gold star for the Utah girls - they emailed me before I could look up my bishop's phone number, so they beat even ME in getting the info to me.


Anonymous said...


I list all my emergency numbers and send them to Trina, and she puts them on the list of my emergency contact numbers, and sends my list back to me so I can put it in my 72-hour kit??? Why don't I just print my list of numbers and put it in the 72-hour kit myself?

I must have missed something.

treen said...

I send you the list with EVERYONE'S emergency numbers - everyone's home, cell and work numbers, everyone's ward and bishop, all the parents-in-law ... For example, if we hadn't heard directly from you about the hurricane, we could have called Michelle's mom to see if she'd heard anything. Get it now?