Friday, October 07, 2005

okay, everyone knows now

Adam frowned that no one has commented on the blog about our big announcement, so I figured I'd post and let you know that yes, the news is out. I got through to everyone except Eric on Monday night, and Eric called me back Tuesday morning. So everyone in our family knows now. I'm still a little nervous about the possibility of a miscarriage but it's been said that my being sick for the last 6 weeks is a good indicator that the baby is here to stay. And the doctor did say that once a heartbeat has been established, there's only a 5% chance of losing it after that. I'll probably do the big huge mass announcement to extended family and friends with the Christmas cards (on Christmas day, I will be 21 weeks - halfway) just because I really don't have the energy to do it any sooner but y'all are welcome to tell whomever you see or talk to.

Right now, Adam is more excited than me - being sick really does put a damper on the enthusiasm. He sings Primary songs to the baby every night - it's the sweetest thing EVER. He was doing all the really pretty songs like "I love to see the temple" and "Families can be together forever" and then he totally caught me off guard one night by singing "Popcorn popping on the apricot tree." I laughed all the way through it.

The sick isn't totally debilitating - I still go to work every day. The bacterial infections (which yes, were related to the pregnancy - I lied) cleared up after 3 weeks finally. I haven't thrown up at all, but I have a perpetual stomachache. I get motion sickness on the escalators in the Metro, for crying out loud, not to mention on the train and the bus. I am finally able to eat again - for the whole month of September, food in general was just disgusting. I had to basically force feed myself whatever people put in front of me. Now I'm keeping it to plain pasta and dairy (lots of cottage cheese) and some fruit.

I should probably get another blog like Eric did, but there's really not much to tell at this point - it will come in spurts. If I start having lots to say more frequently, I'll switch to that then.

Emily, I'll call you soon about scheduling for Christmas and next summer. We have a lot to figure out about work and schedules and people visiting to see the baby and blah blah blah. I'm working out a list of options that we can choose from about you staying with us during the summer.

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