Sunday, October 30, 2005

info on the world

I'm not sure if Eric was being sarcastic with the "thousands of websites" comment, but here are a few that you might consider reading. Since everyone really should be aware of what the President and the Congress is doing (as it affects YOU personnally), you ought to read at least some of what's going on.
New York Times It's a liberal sheet, but sometimes accurate and provides an interesting counterbalance.
Washington Post If you don't read the Wall Street Journal, it's one of the best in the country.
The Economist Always interesting to see how the Brits view us.
Reuters Aside from being a little on the short side, what they do have is fairly accurrate without a lot of spin.
ABC News They're about the only news network without major egg on their face.

Don't read or watch Fox News, as it's about as biased as you're going to get, kinda like the NY Times. And yes, I read all of those websites daily, or close enough. I skim them on the weekends. Why, you ask? My job is to be aware of what's going on in the world and how it relates to Senator Arlen Specter, my boss, and the Judiciary Committee, where I work. You don't have to be so involved, but having a good understanding of what's going on in your government is important. Have fun reading stuff. Be sure to include the op-ed pieces.


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