Friday, October 15, 2004

the zoo

I was feeling very left out - everyone had SOMETHING on their website (even Tawnia, thanks to someone else) - so I had to put something on mine too! It's just a start. Aaron happened to be over for a few minutes, and he's had a little experience with code and stuff, so he helped. I'll probably talk to my ex-boyfriend Derek (we're still friends), and have him help me out too. He had built me a couple sites before.

In other news, I went to the zoo today. Jason's work friend Barrett hadn't been there before, and he offered to treat us, since it's our anniversary on Monday. It was a little chilly, but with jackets it was actually the perfect day. Pretty with all the fall colors, and lots of leaves on the ground. And to make it even better, all the animals were out! Except the lions. We didn't see lions. We saw tigers, elephants, monkeys (and a little baby monkey, so cute!), lots of bears, birds .. the whole place should have been the squirrel exhibit though. Black squirrels were everywhere, dodging in and out of cages, and always so fat since there's always food. We even saw red pandas too! There was a rainforest exhibit and Africa - we saw giraffes, a swimming hippo, Timon and Pumba, porcupines, zebras, etc. Hey Nathan, we saw cougars! They had a couple of snow leopards too, that you could see too - they were resting close to the front of the exhibit. We saw a couple different species that looked like miniature deer - one was about the size of a largish dog, and the other only a little bigger than a chihuahua. Lots of interesting stuff to see. Oh yes, and then there were the group of peacocks (or something very similar to them) all standing outside the restrooms. The men's room door was open a little, and they were all heading inside! Who knew they had them birds potty-trained! And we saw so many little animals that were fat! Besides all the squirrels, the two little crocidiles were pot-bellied, and we saw a fat little mouse in one of the cages (not to be eaten either), and then in a porcupine exhibit we saw what we thought was the fattest prarie dog you had ever seen. It was sitting in the feeding pan .. probably because it was too fat to get out. We never did see the sign for what really was in the area, so we don't know what it was .. it chubby anyway though! The last thing we saw (besides more squirrels), was the Australia exhibit. The coolest part about that though was the "creatures of the night" exhibit. You start out in a darkened room, and then watch a short video explaining about noctournal animals, while your eyes adjust. Then you head into the displays. It's all dark - lots of bats, and other rare and interesting creatures - most of the actually quite cute, if you could see them! (Jason had a tiny pen light, so we could see them a little better, without blinding anything.) The very best was the smallest marsupials in the world - don't remember what they were called, but they were fast little things, all over the cage. It was a basic flat glass front, and they were scrambling all over the front of it too! We were all pretty amazed, since there wasn't anything for them to be holding on to .. but they scrambled across it just as fast as they did the trees in the rest of their area. All in all though, it was a great trip, with lots to see, good company, and a great way to celebrate an anniversary. That, and it was a Friday afternoon, on a chilly day, so while the animals were out, there weren't the crowds of children!

the end.

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