Tuesday, October 26, 2004

all the birthday greetings

Thank you so much for the birthday messages online from Tawnia, Mindy and Clarissa. Thank you for the phone calls from Nathan and Amanda, and Dad and all the guys he works with. Thank you also for the phone messages from Mom, Eric and Jared. (And the missionaries sang on our answering machine too - they sound a lot like Nathan, and we didn't realize it wasn't Nathan until Elder Dobson started talking about Adam's bike, which he's going to fix for us.) I guess I hadn't told anyone that we attend an institute class on Tuesday evenings - that's where we were, and why we didn't answer my cell as well as the home phone. I'll call everyone sometime between now and the weekend.

My birthday presents from Adam, which I got last week, are a keyboard (about the size of Mom and Dad's) to be our interim piano until we can get a real one; a leather notebook for dressy stuff at work, and a fruitcake because "fruitcake is forever." I laughed very hard when I opened that. And I got a really nice stationery set from Nadia, my friend at work.

I had a pretty regular day. I started it off in a momentous way, by going to the police station to get yet another temporary parking permit for my car until I get it registered with DC plates. (That's a whole long story because the DC DMV is stupid.) I worked all day, and went out to lunch with our friend Allison from church. It was very nice. And then I came home and we had dinner and went to institute. And now we're home, and I wanted to post real quick, and then I'm cleaning the kitchen and going to bed, and Adam still has to study for his Spanish mid-term tomorrow morning. But with all that regular-ness, it was still a nice day because I'm with my sweetest boy who is so nice to me.

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