Saturday, October 02, 2004

Input on the website (Eric)

Hi all,

As I started typing this, the church "world report" startled me. I'd forgotten the connection to the conference (via the web) was still on. It's reporting on the Manhattan temple. I'm sure you've all heard by now about Elder Uchtdorf and Elder Bednar. I know President Bednar became the president of Ricks at the same time I graduated from there in 1997, and I remember Elder Uchtdorf being called to the Seventy when I was on my mission (I read Church News a lot then). Exciting times in the history of the church. Emily and Mindy can probably tell us more about Elder Bednar, what they remember of him from their time at Ricks and BYU-I while he was president there.

But back to the website dicussion.

Jared-- no offense at all. This is what I hoped might happen when I came up with the family blog idea. I hoped it would snowball into something we could all create together.

I think your sidebar idea is fine, as long as we can use frames to create it. That way, we all still have control over the content of our own pages. The index would then be a frameset holding the sidebar and the logo page, which would then turn into whatever other pages we want to put in there. Is this what you have in mind?

Dad-- I don't know how much security we want to implement. We could probably put up a simple password screen or something like that. I don't really know much about web security. My thinking is that any communication we really want to keep private we should keep to letters, email, and the telephone. But maybe I'm just making excuses.

On the overall design of the site... The blog and homepage can stay in the main directory and be sort of community property. From there, I think we ought to have our own individual folders to create whatever we want. We can post family pictures, stories, links, put up personal blogs, whatever. And those folders can be named whatever, as long as Jared knows what they're called so he can put them on the sidebar.

How does this sound?

And again, thanks so much for participating. This is going to be the coolest website of all time!


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