Friday, October 15, 2004


I don't know how to pronounce "trinadam." I don't know that it was meant to be SAID, just to look cool when it's written, because it doesn't make any sense unless you SEE it. And Tawnia's page made me laugh and laugh! Tawnia, are you not telling us something?

The Susan/Trina big announcement of the month is ... after 10 weeks of blood, sweat and tears (and more than a little bit of swearing mixed in), the 50-state medical malpractice chart is done and has been released to the general public. It's supposed to be on our committee's web page on the NCSL site, and it's not yet, and if it's not there by Monday, I will unleash the big guns. Either way, we've emailed it all over the country - in less than 5 minutes after I sent an email to one of the mailing lists yesterday morning, I had over 10 emails saying "thank you for the information!" I'm learning a lot about tort reform, which is a weird way of saying "restrict certain kinds of lawsuits," and which is also kinda weird considering that my husband is going to be an attorney. But hey, someone has to defend against all the stupid lawsuits, so maybe Adam will take that side. He's liking constitutional law so far, but hasn't decided on a specialty yet.

The only other news right now is that we spent our day off Monday at Mt. Vernon - George Washington's house. It's been maintained for tours since the 1840s, and all the armies skirted it during the Civil War out of respect, so no damage to it ever. During the summer, they have people in period costume demonstrating farming techniques, because Washington was very into farm development. During December, they have candle-lit tours at night and the house is all decked out for Christmas.

And Sarah Loving is coming for a week to spend Thanksgiving with us. YAY! I'll have to work only 2 days that she's here (and maybe only one), so we can get lots of touristy stuff in. She's never been here, so this will be fun.

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