Friday, October 08, 2004

News from the North

I appreciate the web lessons. I'll make use of them in the next few days, but today was surprisingly busy! Jason got his bonus check from work, so we went to the mall and spent it! We both needed new pants, and some other stuff .. we even picked up some new books, including the entire Hitchhiker's Guide set. I even found piggy number 28, surprisingly at Old Navy. So we've been out all day, and I'm just too pooped to concentrate on all that. Quick question though, how do you set the background? And how do you make links to other pages (like pictures, so they aren't all on your front page)? Other than that, all is well here. I've been working on more drawings, and keeping myself relatively sane (not that my relatives are sane, but whatever). I'll get Jason to work on a Christmas list with me, and we'll email those out soon.

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