Friday, October 15, 2004

About My Page

Just for everyone's information... I had nothing to do with the picture and text on my page. I think that a little fun was had down Texas way. I did enjoy getting a phone call from Brooke the other day!

Life is going along as normal for me. You'd think living in the engagement capital of the USA I would at least get a date every once in awhile.... but alas the best I can do is going to a hockey game with my roommates on a Friday night. I'm not complaining, because I LOVE hockey... and my roommates and it does beat sitting at home and watching TV.

Work is going well. I love my job, but I'm looking forward to fall break. (we get a 4 day weekend at the end of October... yippee!) Maybe I'll go and play tourist in SLC or even spend a day at my old alma mater. Or I might just stay home and SLEEP! Something I rarely get enough of.

Oh, and to answer Mom's question. I was the tail end of the "big four" which puts me basically in the middle. I guess that has a lot of advantages. Your parents have already made all their mistakes on the first three, you don't have quite so many responsibilities, you get to boss around the younger ones, and best of all... until recently the pressure for marriage was completely off of me! Ahhh... for the days when someone older was still single. But I guess I don't have to feel too pressured.... being that I live out here on my own, it's not like you're calling me up and asking me about it every day... since they made that mistake with the first one... see, it's great being in the middle!

Have a fun weekend everyone!

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