Monday, October 11, 2004


I tried several times to post this yesterday but I kept getting an error message. Maybe it will work now.

Dad pulled a sneaky on me. He put in for two day positions without telling me. He knows how frustrated I get when he doesn't get the day job. So today he came to Amity to tell me that, starting tomorrow he'll be working days at the high school. It has a downside. It means a pay cut because he won't be the lead custodian anymore but it's worth it to have him home in the evenings and to be able to have some time together. It's been a long time since he's been on days on a permanent basis. I thought you would all want to know that exciting news.

I'm working on getting the genealogy page up and running. I need to make some corrections before I post the final copy. I'm sure I'll still be updating it periodically but there are a few things I need to correct before I post the first time.

I'm still figuring out how I want to design my own page. I think I'll put various chapters of my history on there. The ones I haven't posted on the blog. If you have any brilliant suggestions for me, let me know.

I guess it's about time for a new question. So here's the latest one I drew from the jar: How did you like being the oldest, youngest or middle child? Did it have any particular advantages or disadvantages?

Love ya,

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