Monday, October 25, 2004


Okay, so what the heck is nanowrimo? Most of you might never have heard of it (except Trina, since she was the one who told me about it.) It stands for National Novel Writing Month, which is November. The goal is to write a complete novel (50,000 words) in a single month. Don't edit, they say, don't revise, just go for it. Sounds like fun. So I'm going to do it.

I am calling my story (working title): The Thunderbird Medallion. (Better than "Memories of Rocks") It's a fantasy story, a series to this trilogy, taking place twenty years later. (By the way I need a name for my hero. Should I call him Jared, or Caleb, or Jeremy? I want to have these names picked out in advance so that I can just go and don't have to freeze whenever I want to bring in a new character.) The hero can read the memories of any earth element -- hairpins, swords, rocks, necklaces, rings, and his medallion. He will be going up against jewel thieves, also powerful sorcerers who have been doing this for a long time, and will have to unlock the secrets of their past if he means to stop them.

I may create a new blog to post my story. Like I said, I'm only going to edit a bit of spelling, so hopefully I won't leave a gaping hole in the plot. That's why I have to make an outline and then stick with it. I know how I want it to begin and end; it's just traveling between the two points.

Wish me luck,

1 comment:

Eric said...

Actually, I think "Memories of Rocks" is a better title. No joke. The Thunderbird Medallion sounds like a made for TV movie mystery about a motorcycle gang...

Just a thought.
