Friday, October 15, 2004

I tried

The image was already on the site but to be sure I reposted it. It still doesn't show up. Also Clarissa's and Mindy's pictures don't show up. We're doing something wrong but I'm not sure what.

I just posted my genealogy to the history folder. Why did you change the name from genealogy? I thought that title would make it easier for others to find. Dad and I will probably need some help getting his side on there because we'll need to have another menu page that will send someone to either his side or mine. Dad also thinks we should post some historical sketches of some of our ancestors. I'm sure we can get Nathan to help us sort that out. He's helped me with my other stuff.

Dad found some information on his Knoblochs yesterday. He learned that they sailed from Bremen on the ship "D H Watjen" arriving in New York on 19 Jul 1869. Maybe if we find more information, like a passport or something, we can find out what city they were from. Every little piece of the puzzle is exciting.

Time for bed now.


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