Friday, October 08, 2004

Good stuff people!

Wow! I emailed out those little tutorials this morning and now suddenly there is something to see at Insanity Inc.! Good work Mom and Clarissa (and Nate I guess ;D ). The sidebar is now resizable, so feel free to make it as big or as small as you wish. Just click and drag. I'm looking forwars to seeing what people are going to come up with on their pages. I like Clarissa's already -- even though she didn't post anything here to introduce it to us.

Mom pointed out another webpage creation hint -- just build it in your word processor and "save as webpage." Make sure the filename ends in .htm, and paste the file into your ftp folder. My concern there is that those files tend to be much larger than the ones built from scratch. They use up more precious memory.

On the topic of memory space on our website -- may I propose that we remove all the pictures that were posted on the blog, and are sitting somewhere in the blog archives. The pictures can all be saved to Mom's computer or anyone who wants them. I personally always downloaded the pictures to my computer as soon as they were posted, so I've already got all the ones I wanted to keep for myself. Further pictures can be added to your individual webpages, and just tell us in the blog where to find them. That's my two cents.

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