Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Snow Snow Snow

Yesterday morning looked like someone had moved our house inside a snowglobe -- big fat snowflakes were falling, instead of the little stuff that had come before. But since then we haven't had much. It's cold (we'll be lucky if it goes above freezing in the next few days), and we've got several inches of snow on the ground that probably won't be going anywhere until spring. At least Calgary gets chinooks sometimes - sudden warm spells in the middle of winter. It's nice to have the warmth, but the sudden drastic pressure changes do weird things for Jason.

And thank you for the phone call Jared and Michelle, and all the congratulations on the sisters blog - sisters. I haven't even had a congratulations from Mom and Dad! We didn't do anything exciting or special yesterday. I stayed home (as usual), and Jason went to work (as usual). We did go to the zoo last Friday, but any other celebrating will happen on Thursday/Friday, Jason's next days off, and he gets paid on Friday, so we can go out for dinner or something then. Looking back over the past year though, we're both happy, healthy, and very much in love. If the first year is the hardest, then we've got an incredible life ahead of us.

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