Friday, October 22, 2004

Christmas is coming

First I want to be the first to congratulate Mindy on getting those papers in. The sooner that's taken care of the sooner we can expect an occasional visit and she can go to the doctor and get a job, etc.

Now on to the topic at hand. Many of us have already started making our Christmas plans. My advice on how to make Christmas special is to establish your own personal and family traditions. Try things you think you might like to do each year and if they don't work out and catch on, that's OK. Be sure to keep Christ at the center of your celebration and think of how He would want us to celebrate. Don't get so caught up in buying things that you go into debt, that really detracts from the Christmas spirit. Try to find things you can do for others, it doesn't take a lot of money to bake cookies and give them away or to provide a small gift for someone who, otherwise, may have nothing. Music always helps bring the Christmas spirit. Decorations and gifts can be simple and homemade. I remember helping you kids string popcorn or make paper chains and I can't remember how many times I helped one of you make play dough to give to your brothers and sisters. I love Christmas because I can enjoy it with all my senses - the sights of trees and lights; the sounds of music and laughter; the smell of evergreens and goodies; the taste of cookies and fudge and pies; the feel of the chill air and the warm fire; all make Christmas special. I remember a few years ago I stopped downtown after work to find a gift at a bookstore. Most of you know that 3rd Street is a bit old-fashioned. I had to walk a block or so from where I parked and, of course it was dark so I was enjoying the Christmas lights, just as I got to the store it started snowing. It really brought back memories from my childhood; suddenly I had the Christmas spirit and I was so thankful for everything and everyone. It can be an elusive feeling something we each have to seek for. I hope I haven't rambled too much, and I hope you can all find that special feeling in your own lives as you prepare for this very special Christmas holiday.

Love always,

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